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Lernplattformen von bit media education solutions GmbH als Unterrichtsmittel eigener Wahl

In Austria, teachers have the opportunity to use teaching aids of their own choice to make lessons more interesting and engaging. This allows teachers to bring their own creative ideas and pedagogical approaches into the classroom to enrich the learning process for their students.

What is meant by “teaching aids of own choice”?

In Austria, “teaching materials of one’s own choice” refers to the freedom of teachers to incorporate their own choice of learning materials and learning methods into the classroom. Teachers can also use digital teaching materials to individualize and enrich the learning process for their students. However, the selection of instructional materials is subject to certain guidelines designed to ensure that the materials selected are pedagogically meet the requirements of the curriculum. These guidelines are designed to ensure the quality and relevance of the materials used, while allowing room for innovative teaching methods that meet the needs of the students.

This allows teachers to individualize instruction. This means that different learning styles and interests can be addressed, which can increase motivation and engagement in the classroom. However, educators must first ensure that the materials selected meet curriculum requirements and are pedagogically appropriate.

Overall, the ability to use teaching materials of one’s own choice offers teachers in Austria room for creative lesson design to make the learning environment more dynamic and effective.

Digital learning media as a teaching tool of your choice

Especially in the decades of digitalization, the integration of digital media as a teaching tool of your choice plays a crucial role. Teachers have the opportunity to integrate a variety of digital resources into their lessons to enhance the learning process.

The use of digital media offers a wealth of benefits. Interactive learning platforms, virtual field trips, and multimedia presentations can help make the classroom more lively and vibrant. By using digital learning media, teachers can make it easier for students to access a wide range of information and actively participate in the learning process.

Digital media also opens up the possibility of extending lessons beyond the classroom. Teachers can access online resources and integrate them into the classroom. This not only promotes an understanding of digital media, but also enables the development of digital skills, which are of great importance in today’s society.

Overall, the integration of digital media as a teaching tool underscores the need to equip students with the skills they need for tomorrow’s digital world. This not only promotes contemporary education, but also helps to make the learning environment dynamic and future-oriented.

Our learning platforms as a teaching tool of your choice

The digi.skills learning packages promotes the digital skills of students and offer the perfect teaching tool for basic digital education. As part of teaching tool of your choice, digi.skills can be easily billed.

Our LONA Education learning packages serve as learning materials for various certification examinations. They can also be used as part of teaching tool of your choice campaign.

Contact us

Our Key Account Manager Denise Ragger will be happy to help you with any questions or orders.

Denise Ragger, MA


Phone: +43 664 80 670 725

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