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SOKRATES Teacher Assistant by bit media education solutions GmbH

Teachers continue to serve as role models. Attention is also paid to them and their behavior in the use of digital media in the classroom. By using the electronic classroom register SOKRATES Teacher Assistant, all activities of a classroom register are kept digitally and in compliance with the law. A relief for the teaching staff as well as a role model in the context of digitalization.

Digitization in the classroom

Digitization in schools and educational institutions is on the rise. The Austrian government’s “Digital School” project will make it standard in a few years. However, it is often the case that teachers continue to use traditional, analog methods in the classroom, even when there seems to be no reason to do so. A classic example is the paper classroom notebook. Large and sometimes heavy, it is a shock to students when it is opened and teachers take notes in it. SOKRATES Teacher Assistant, on the other hand, is an innovative solution that can be used on all common digital devices as a convenient web application.

SOKRATES Teacher Assistant can do everything a big green or red paper notebook can do: it can record absences, grades, subjects and notes – e.g. if a child has misbehaved. But SOKRATES Teacher Assistant can do even more: Timetables and student data are taken directly from the SOKRATES Teacher Administration and do not have to be entered manually. Teaching material can be entered in advance and substitutions are more flexible and easier. The question “Where did you leave off last time?” is now a thing of the past. In addition, SOKRATES Teacher Assistant has a class calendar that allows all teachers of a school to centrally manage the dates of a class. This in turn means that overlapping school assignments and field trips are a thing of the past.

The benefits of SOKRATES Teacher Assistant at a glance

As the name suggests, the Teacher Assistant digital classroom book is designed to assist teachers. It is designed to assist and support teachers in their daily work. SOCRATES Teacher Assistant is also a welcome support for school administrators, as it simplifies and makes more efficient the administration and assignment of subjects and teachers.

The connection to the SOKRATES school administration system eliminates the need for double (or even triple) data maintenance. All student data is transferred directly, which increases the quality of data in SOKRATES Web. Nevertheless, SOKRATES Teacher Assistant and the SOKRATES school administration system are fully compliant with the GDPR.

As already mentioned, SOCRATES Teacher Assistant is a pure web application. This means that the classbook can be used anywhere and anytime (if internet is available). Whether on a PC in the classroom, a tablet or a smartphone – with our Teacher Assistant, teachers are free to make their entries when and where they want. Teacher Assistant eliminates the fear in some students’ eyes when the class book is opened. However, a quick walk around the classroom with the tablet in hand and a questioning look on the teacher’s face makes up for it. In addition, the use of Teacher Assistant eliminates the excuse of students that the notebook is missing.

SOKRATES Teacher Assistant features at a glance

Managing student attendance and absences is the main reason for using a class register. With SOKRATES Teacher Assistant, teachers can view class subjects and directly manage student attendance. The fixed and flexible time selection in Teacher Assistant allows for accurate documentation of student attendance and absences. The number of unexcused absences can be transferred directly to the SOKRATES school management system. For teachers this means No more recalculation of absences!

In substitution hours, all class data is assigned directly to the substitute personnel. Again, documentation is straightforward. There is no need for teachers to agree on who did what and how. Teachers who return to the classroom after an absence know immediately where the substitute left off.

The next reason to keep a class register is to make notes on student behavior. This is also possible in our electronic classroom register. The notes can also be output as a report to have all notes per child available at the push of a button, for example during parent-teacher conferences.

SOKRATES Teacher Assistant makes it easy and efficient to enter teaching material. Lesson documentation is necessary to keep a clear thread through the school education. With SOKRATES Teacher Assistant it is possible to mark the entered teaching material as “kept” after the end of the lesson. In addition, the system reminds the teacher of missing material, which is automatically marked in red. This provides both teachers and school management with a clear overview of the subject matter.

The corresponding material entries are also passed on to the substitute teacher, so that the thread of the lesson is not lost. Of course, the joy of the students that the substitute has no idea what is being taught is (unfortunately) destroyed!

SOKRATES Teacher Assistant can do even more: class calendar, reporting … These are just some of the advantages of our digital notebook:

  • Cost and resource savings (no more paper class books)
  • Time savings by reducing to the essentials
  • Easy evaluation of all data
  • Comfortable web application

Try SOKRATES Teacher Assistant now

The digitization of schools and educational institutions should not only focus on students, but also on teachers and school management. The use of a digital classroom register not only simplifies workflows and makes them more efficient, but teachers also demonstrate the use of digital resources on a daily basis.

That is why we are offering the use of SOKRATES Teacher Assistant free of charge until the end of August 2023. This gives teachers and school administrators the opportunity to experience the features and benefits of a digital classroom. Pre-orders for the school year 2023 / 24 are also available now.

Denise Ragger will be happy to answer any further questions you may have about our digital class register.


Denise Ragger, MA
Team Lead Sales / Key Account Manager

Mobil: +43 664 80 670 725

For more information about Teacher Assistant, please visit:

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