Latest news from bit media

  • Schulen setzen auf moderne und digitale Kommunikation mit SchoolUpdate

    May 15th, 2023

    SchoolUpdate - the smart communication solution for schools and childcare centers - is the alternative to WhatsApp and other messaging apps. SchoolUpdate provides easy and secure communication and is 100% privacy compliant. But what can the SchoolUpdate ...

  • SOKRATES Teacher Assistant by bit media education solutions GmbH

    March 29th, 2023

    Teachers continue to serve as role models. Attention is also paid to them and their behavior in the use of digital media in the classroom. By using the electronic classroom register SOKRATES Teacher Assistant, all activities of a ...

  • CEO Wechsel bei eee group - neue Leitung

    March 1st, 2023

    eee group under new management The holding company eee group GmbH is one of the leading companies for educational technology in the German-speaking area and the umbrella company for many well-known companies in the e-learning sector, such ...

  • Digitalkompetenzen in Schulen wichtig wie nie

    February 14th, 2023

    teaching have been an integral part of school life. Both distance learning and blended learning have become part of everyday life for students and teachers. For this reason, the digital skills of students and teachers need to ...

  • bit media education solutions GmbH spendet an das Ö3 Weihnachtswunder

    December 14th, 2022

    Two years ago, the management of bit media education solutions (then known as bit media e-solutions GmbH) decided to forgo Christmas gifts for customers and instead support charitable organizations. To help where help is urgently needed. This ...

  • Bit media stellt sich neu auf

    June 21st, 2022

    The restructuring of bit media on this year's 22-year anniversary promises a strong position for the future: One company becomes three companies with a sharpened focus and the ideal structure for their focus. Looking at the history of ...

  • SOKRATES KiB optimiert die Verwaltung in Kinderbetreuungseinrichtungen durch Digitalisierung und Automatisierung, vereint alle wichtigen Aufgaben und Prozesse in einer bedarfsorientierten Software

    February 23rd, 2022

    The smart management software for kindergartens and childcare institutions SOKRATES KiB was developed for and together with childcare institutions to significantly simplify the complex administrative tasks of providers and facilities. With KiB, administrative activities are simplified, ...

  • Business-Talk mit Walter Khom, MBA, über die Bedeutung der Erwachsenenbildung und den Einfluss der Digitalisierung auf die Arbeitswelt

    October 27th, 2021

    Business Talk with Walter Khom, MBA General Manager of bit media e-solutions GmbH Adult education defines itself on the one hand as in-service training and on the other hand as continuing education. However, the task of ...