ITS Certification

Holistic digital workflow for certificate exams.

ITS Zertifizierungen von bit media education solutions GmbH

The total solution for digital certification exams.

What is ITS Certification?

With the examination system ITS – interactive testing studio – we offer certification providers worldwide a professional digital total solution for planning, organizing and conducting certificate examinations.

ITS Certification provides all the necessary workflows and processes. The ITS Certification product bundle covers all areas, from the administration of test centers, examiners and candidates to the secure examination environment, including automated test result evaluation, and certificate administration.

For whom is ITS Certification?

ITS Zertifizierungsanbieter

Certification provider

ITS certification is mandatory for all organisations that offer certified tests and examinations and digitise the entire process.

Icon Schulen


ITS certification is mandatory for all public or private educational institutions that want to digitally implement official final or certificate exams.

ITS Bildungsmanagement

Continuing education providers

ITS certification is mandatory for all institutions that want to digitally add officially recognized exams or certifications to their offerings.

ITS Certification – Components

ITS Manager: Zentrales Modul zur Verwaltung von Prüfungsdaten und -prozessen

ITS Manager

The ITS Manager is the so-called “backbone” of the examination system.

All essential structures and data can be managed via a convenient web interface. This includes test centers, persons, roles and rights, test modules, dates, test results and certificates. ITS Manager is fully multi-client capable and enables centralized and decentralized use.

ITS Editor

ITS Editor is used to create and manage test items.

More than 30 item formats are available for all types of knowledge and competence tests. Manual item formats for hybrid tests as well as in-application test items can also be compiled into an exam using ITS Editor. Different scoring keys and procedures can be used.

ITS Editor: Schnelle und lernziel-adäquate Erstellung von Prüfungsinhalten
ITS Organizer: Effiziente Prüfungsorganisation und -durchführung

ITS Organizer

The ITS Organizer is used for the overall control of exams at the respective test center.

It enables the activation of an exam at a certain time, the monitoring of the exam progress and further control measures during a certificate exam (e.g. pausing an exam).

ITS Candidate

The ITS Candidate provides the program interface for exam candidates.

After logging in, test items are presented in a standard web browser, kiosk mode or a dedicated exam client, depending on exam requirements. A simple and clear user interface ensures a “stress-free” examination process.

ITS Candidate: Einfache und intuitive Prüfungsoberfläche für Kandidat:innen

ITS Certification Exams

bit media has been a partner of various national and international certification providers for many years. The ITS certification product is used and officially approved for the following certifications, among others:

ICDL: Computer Führerschein für digitale Kompetenzen weltweit

The International Certification of digital literacy (ICDL – former ECDL) is the world’s leading certificate for digital skills. In over 100 countries, more than 15 million people in more than 40 languages participate in the program. In Austria, bit media with ITS certification is a partner for exams at schools and adult education institutions.

More information:

Digital Competence Pass (DCP®)

The Digital Competence Pass (DCP) is more than just proof of the correct operation and use of common hardware and software. The DCP focuses on digital competencies, i.e. the linking, combining and application of digital skills.

More information:

Xpert Europäischer Computer Pass: Zertifizierung für den fachkundigen Umgang mit IT-Anwendungen

The Xpert European Computer Pass is a certificate issued by Germany’s adult education centers and is based on a training and examination procedure that is standardized throughout Europe. The European Examination Center is located in Hanover. The exams certify the expert handling of common IT applications and are characterized by a high action orientation.

More information:

Unternehmerführerschein®: Zertifizierung der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich

The Entrepreneur’s Skills Certificate® is based on an initiative of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber and is offered as an additional economic qualification and certification from secondary school level I (recommended from 7th or 8th grade).

Since 2004, approximately 120,000 modules to the Entrepreneur’s Skills Certificate® have been tested with ITS.

Entrepreneurial Skills Pass (ESP): Zertifizierung unternehmerischer Kompetenzen für Jugendliche

The Entrepreneurial Skills Pass (ESP) is the first certificate to certify entrepreneurial skills for young people starting out on their careers and was created as part of an EU project. Since then, ITS has been used to conduct approximately 65,000 examinations in a total of 53 countries.

Green Future Certificate (GFC): Zertifikat für umweltgerechtes Handeln und Nachhaltigkeit

Acting in an environmentally responsible manner and raising awareness of the issue of sustainability are more important than ever and should therefore already be given space in the school context. For this reason, the Green Future Certificate (GFC) was developed.

More information:

Social Skills Certificate (SSC): Objektive Messung und Zertifizierung von Sozialkompetenz

Understanding one’s own feelings and communicating them to others, communicating in a situation-appropriate and efficient way – these are just a few examples of self-confident, socially and emotionally competent people. The Social Skills Certificate (SSC) was developed to objectively measure and also certify social skills.

More information:

Typing 1000 und Typing 1500: Nachweise für Tastaturschreiben und 10-Finger-System

Typing 1000 and Typing 1500 are proof of a standard in typing and mastery of the 10-finger system. bit media is partner and provider of the testing environment with ITS for the Typing 1000 and Typing 1500 demo and certification exams.

More information:

Advantages with ITS Certification

  • All-in-one solution for certification exams
  • End-to-end digital testing processes

  • Any test content can be integrated
  • Can be used centrally and decentrally
  • 100% DSGVO compliant

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Sales Managerin - Denise Ragger, MA

Denise Ragger, MA

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