Auszeichnungen und Preise der bit media education solutions GmbH

Awards and prizes

We repeatedly receive awards for our products and projects. This pleases us and at the same time serves as motivation to work even more intensively on the development of innovative solutions.

Comenius EduMedia Siegel 2024 for digi.skills ai

Our digi.skills ai learning package has been awarded the Comenius EduMedia Seal 2024.

The “Cyber Security” learning package of our learning platform LONA Education was awarded the Seal of Quality for Learning Apps by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and the OeAD in 2024.

Our learning platforms LONA Education – Package Economics and digi.skills – Digital Basic Education received the Seal of Quality for Learning Apps from the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and the OeAD in 2023.

digi.skills receives the Comenius EduMedia seal in 2021.

In January 2021 bit media receives the IÖB-awarded seal for innovative solutions for the communication tool “SchoolUpdate”.

The communication App SchoolUpdate receives the Comenius EduMedia seal in 2018.

bit media is nominated for the ICE-Vienna Media Award 2009 with the innovative learning program Security4Kids in the category Games (game-based learning).

In the category Information Technology bit media receives the Constantinus Award 2009 for Socrates Web – School Administration System of the City of Graz.

bit media is awarded the Constantinus in 2008 for the establishment of the International Entrepreneur’s Skills Certificate (the entrepreneurial driving license®) and its internationalization.

bit media’s e-learning for the entrepreneurial driving license® is awarded the title of Innovation Product of the Year at CeBIT 2008.

bit media receives the Comenius seal of approval for a total of three learning programs in 2007. Awarded are: ECDL 4 plus, eJunior and module A of the entrepreneurial driving license®.