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Our SOKRATES administration systems can do more than you think. The SOKRATES product bundle accompanies children from kindergarten to school and enables the responsible organisations to manage data easily. In addition, SOKRATES offers teachers easy documentation with the digital class register.

The SOKRATES product bundle

The SOKRATES product range consists of three management systems:

Easy administration from the childcare centre to the classroom.

The administration systems in the SOKRATES product range make the digitisation and management of data simple and efficient.

At the primary level, children’s data is recorded in SOKRATES KiB and used for daily activities in the childcare centres. Once the children are of school age, this data can be transferred to the SOKRATES school administration system thanks to the homogeneous interaction.

In addition to student management and general administrative processes, the SOKRATES school management system is also responsible for entering grades and printing school reports. With the help of the SOKRATES Teacher Assistant, entries and absences can be transferred directly to the school report.

SOKRATES thus offers simple administration from the childcare centre to the classroom.

The individual products at a glance

Verwaltungssystem SOKRATES KiB


SOKRATES KiB is the intelligent childcare management software that has been developed for and with childcare centres to significantly simplify the complex administrative tasks of providers and facilities. It offers efficient administration in the nursery sector.

Simply put: SOKRATES KiB bundles, structures, digitises and automates administrative activities.

SOKRATES Schulverwaltungssystem

SOKRATES School Administration

The SOKRATES school administration system offers schools and authorities a consistent administration system with many years of experience, which makes everyday school and administration work considerably easier. School, teacher and student data is managed simply and efficiently. Assessments, subject allocations and supply lists can be carried out with ease, and evaluations and reports can be produced with ease.

In short, the SOKRATES school administration system provides schools with the perfect conditions for optimised and efficient administration.

Innovative digitale Klassenbuchlösung: SOKRATES Teacher Assistant

SOKRATES Teacher Assistant

SOKRATES Teacher Assistant is an electronic classbook that offers not only a lean and efficient solution for the classroom, but also the flexibility to complete all classbook tasks digitally and in accordance with legal requirements.

The Teacher Assistant digital classbook is based on data from the SOKRATES school administration system. This means that data such as timetables, student data, etc. does not need to be maintained twice. The clear structure and digital division of labour offered by SOKRATES Teacher Assistant make managing the classbook an uncomplicated and efficient process.

In short, SOKRATES Teacher Assistant is the innovative alternative to the traditional paper classbookr.

The SOKRATES administration systems offer simple and efficient data administration with uncomplicated data exchange between the individual products. Homogeneous compatibility eliminates the need for duplicate data maintenance, saving time and money for everyone involved. In addition, data quality is enhanced by the interaction of the individual management systems.

Contact us

Would you like to order our SOKRATES products? Our Key Account Manager Denise Ragger will be happy to assist you with your orders and queries.

Unsere Sales Managerin Denise Ragger

Denise Ragger, MA


Phone: +43 664 80 670 725

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