Teacher Assistant

The digital class book of the future!

Innovative digitale Klassenbuchlösung: SOKRATES Teacher Assistan

Digital classbook re-imagined with the SOKRATES Teacher Assistant.

Try SOKRATES Teacher Assistant free of charge until the end of the school year!

What is SOKRATES Teacher Assistant?

SOKRATES Teacher Assistant is the innovative alternative to the traditional paper classbook. The electronic class book not only offers a lean and efficient solution for the classroom, but also the flexibility to complete all class book tasks digitally and in accordance with legal requirements.

The Teacher Assistant digital register is based on data from the SOKRATES school administration system. This means that data such as timetables, student data, etc. does not need to be maintained twice. Thanks to the fully responsive design, absences and teaching materials can be entered directly in the classroom or from home on all digital devices.

The clear structure and digital division of labour offered by SOKRATES Teacher Assistant make managing the class register an uncomplicated and efficient process.

Who is SOKRATES Teacher Assistant for?

Icon Schulen

School Administration

SOKRATES Teacher Assistant supports school administrators in the organisation of teachers and subjects.

Icon: Lehrkräfte, Schüler und Eltern


SOKRATES Teacher Assistant allow teachers to document the teaching material and the absences of students in a simple and easy way.

What does SOKRATES Teacher Assistant offer?

SOKRATES Teacher Assistant - Anwesenheitsverwaltung

Attendance & absence management

SOKRATES Teacher Assistant allows teachers to manage student attendance directly in the classroom. By automatically transferring the data to the SOKRATES school management system, unexcused absences can be included directly in the school certificate.

In case of a substitute lesson, SOKRATES Teacher Assistant automatically assigns teachers to the correct class. This makes it easy to document the presence and absence of students by substitute teachers.

Additional notes and class book entries

Using the annotation feature of SOKRATES Teacher Assistant, teachers can easily make class book entries about individual students.

Notes and class book entries for individual students or entire classes can be displayed as reports in SOKRATES Teacher Assistant and in the SOKRATES school administration system.

SOKRATES Teacher Assistant für Klassenbucheinträge
SOKRATES Teacher Assistant für Unterrichtsdokumentation

Curriculum entry

SOKRATES Teacher Assistant enables easy and efficient documentation of lessons for each school day. In addition, missing material entries are automatically highlighted in red in the digital class register, providing a clear overview of material entries.

All lesson taught by substitute teacher are specifically assigned to these teachers and the lesson documentation can thus also take place in substitute lessons.

Class calendar

The SOKRATES Teacher Assistant Class Calendar allows teachers to centrally manage a class’s appointments. This gives teachers a complete overview of a class’s appointments and makes it easier to coordinate school work and monitoring of learning objectives.

The class calendar makes it possible for class scheduling to be done efficiently by the teachers so that the class can have an effective time management.

SOKRATES Teacher Assistant Klassenkalender
Auswertungen und Reports mit SOKRATES Teacher Assistant

Reports & Evaluations

SOKRATES Teacher Assistant offers direct reporting possibilities of e.g. absence hours, notes and teaching material entries in the system. In addition, further reports can be issued in SOKRATES school management system, as all data is linked to it in real time.

The permanent data transfer between SOKRATES school management system and SOKRATES Teacher Assistant prevents data loss and has the positive effect that additional resources can be saved.

And many more features!

What are the advantages of SOKRATES Teacher Assistant?

  • Comfortable web application – on all digital devices

  • Uncomplicated evaluation – absences, teaching material, …

  • Permanent data transfer between SOKRATES school management system and SOKRATES Teacher Assistant

  • No need to maintain duplicate data

  • Cost saving – cheaper than a paper class book
  • Increased data quality

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Sales Managerin - Denise Ragger, MA

Denise Ragger, MA

Sales Manager

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